COMMERCIAL MEDIATOR Attorney-at-Law & Mediator Certified by Department of Justice İrfan Gülşen is an internationally recognized attorney-at-law and certified mediator. As a licensed mediator, he and his team of commercial mediation experts delivers ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) services in Bodrum and İzmir. He is an Attorney Mediator with extensive mediation training in COMMERCIAL MEDIATION. He provides an alternative to the high cost and stress of going to court. He has been an Attorney since 1987 and a Certified Mediator since 2014. Even if you know nothing about mediation or how it works, Mr. Gülşen is happy to help you learn about what mediation is and how it could help you. To learn more about the benefits of mediation please click here. bodrumarabuluculuk.com provides general information to help consumers / companies understand their rights in numerous mediation topics, but is not a substitute for personal advice from a mediation attorney. As laws are constantly changing, only a mediation attorney can provide you with specific advice to rely on.